The Presbytery Deputy Chairperson will assist the Presbytery Chairperson in offering leadership to the Presbytery in the areas of oversight, governance and statutory requirements.
When the Presbytery Chairperson is temporarily unavailable to perform their duties the Deputy Chairperson is the acting Chairperson.

About Rev Nich Cole:

Prior to ministry I worked in an executive role in the motor industry and then as operations manager for Vision Valley. Since ordination I was deputy chair of the Board of mission and worked on its amalgamation with Board of Education, I was on the standing committee in the Illawarra presbytery, Chair of the property committee Illawarra presbytery, various roles and consultations. I am currently one of the people who puts together the Ethical Ministry training for the synod as well as being a facilitator. Outside of my church role I am an RFS chaplain and advocate for victims of institutional abuse.